Monday, November 24, 2008

Meeting Update


The next Eng-ins meeting is fast approaching. Our next meeting is on the 6th of December. We are having the meeting in the same place and at the same time. So far, the next meeting is without a theme or a presentation. So it would be nice to hear some of your ideas for the next meeting. If we don’t have anyone presenting that would be fine, because I have a decent back up plan for the meeting. We can create and edit the first Eng-ins podcast. We could make one or two depending on the time.


If you have any ideas for the podcast please feel free to leave a comment or e-mail me. I will work up some of the basic formatting for the podcasts and post it latter today or latter this week. I would like to gear the podcast for Jr. High school 2nd and 3rd graders, but we can make one for English Teachers in Japan too. Either sounds good to me. And, hopefully this will attract more people to the meetings as well.


Well, please brainstorm and let me know what you think. I also welcome the international community at large to provide us with some input. What kinds of things would you like to see or know about English education in Japan? Please leave some comments and provide us with some ideas for the upcoming podcasts.

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